29.08.2010 18:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nikon Coolpix P7000, D7000 DSLR rumored to be launching September 8th, 15th

We've already heard some rumors for both Nikon's Coolpix P7000 point-and-shoot and its supposed D90-successor, the D7000, but it looks like things are unexpectedly heating up a bit further ahead of Photokina next month. According to Nikon Rumors, the two announcements will supposedly be split up, with the P7000 set to be announced along with some other Coolpixes on September 8th, while the D7000 will be announced on September 15th alongside at least two new lenses and a new Speedlight. As before, the P7000 is still ex

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