29.08.2010 07:52 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony's LocationPorter real-time video transmission system goes multichannel

Back in February of 2009, the launch of Sony's LocationPorter RVT-SD100 suggest that the days of needing a tricked out news van to transmit real-time on the scene video could be a thing of the past -- that is, if you had a spare $18k lying around and a solid 3G data connection. The newly-announced RVT-SD200 and its companion RVT-MR200 expands upon that dream by enabling up to 12 LocationPorters to transmit images to one single receiver. Besides paving the way for armies of techno box-toting reporters -- like the one pictured above -- to relay news as it happens, Sony also sees the potential for emergency servi

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