29.08.2010 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW Review and Giveaway: Vuzix Wrap 310XL Video Eyewear

When you're on an airplane or sitting on a beach, watching a movie on an iPhone or iPod touch can be a bit of a hassle. Sure, you can prop up the case -- in fact, there are a number of iPhone cases that feature a built-in prop of some sort -- but you're still watching your movie or TV show on a pretty small screen. Wouldn't it be nice to watch it on a big, widescreen TV? That's the idea behind Vuzix Wrap 310XL video eyewear. These "TV glasses" are nothing new, but the quality of the displays has been getting better over the years. The glasses themselves look like a pair of fairly stylish sunglasses, and there are two tiny displays (428 x 240) that are p

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