28.08.2010 18:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Do you love or hate Safari 5's 'smarter' address bar?

I'll state for the record that the new address bar functionality in Safari 5 is the most un-Apple interaction I've seen come out of Cupertino in a long time. Perhaps adding RAM to my 8500 was more painful, but when a company known for ease-of-use screws up something so basic, it makes you wonder, "who thought this was a good idea?" But Safari 5 is "smart." As in, "I'm smarter than you, nya nya, and you'll go to the sites I say, not what you want!" It goes beyond preferring your history to primary domains. It'll basically get in your way and make a constant mess of things. There's a MacRumors forum thread detailing some s

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