28.08.2010 09:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

London newspaper City A.M. coming to the iPad

If you aren't a Londoner, this news probably won't excite you that much. However, if you make the daily commute on the tube like the five million rest of us (well, 4,999,999. I work from home), a regular part of your morning is browsing though the City A.M. newspaper -- a staple of daily London business news. I've been reading the paper daily for the last three years, and I get irked when I walk to a tube stop and find the City A.M. bin empty. Well, no more! A little birdy told me that City A.M. is hard at work on a full-blown iPad edition. "We're working on a series of apps, including for the iPadshould be ready in the next few months. The iPad will include a digital reader with an exact replica of the print product, as well as html news

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