27.08.2010 16:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Dear Aunt TUAW: What's in Apple's guitar hole?

Dear Aunt TUAW, Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I eventually demystified the Apple 9/1/2010 Press Invitation. I had a look at the press release image I found on www.fscklog.com (it's a little bigger than yours) in Photoshop. Instinctively the soundhole was very interesting to me, especially the "barely lit" part underneath the strings, where you can see the inside of the guitar back. Classic guitars typically have a label of the guitar maker there and in the image you can barely see something that could be a label. I found it very interesting that the Apple creative crew was so picky in such a detail, so this again pulled my attraction. Of course, it would simply look odd, if you couldn't see anything of the guitar's inside from a front shot like this, so maybe there's nothin

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