26.08.2010 22:50 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iWork Update 9.0.4 brings ePub file support to Pages, fixes bugs

A new update to iWork is providing some fixes to bugs (primarily with tables) in Keynote, Pages, and Numbers, but also provides a new export option that makes Pages documents compatible with iBooks. The iWork 9.0.4 update is recommended for anyone using iWork 9.0 - 9.0.3. The fixes for Keynote include patching an issue that occurred when printing handouts with rule lines, resolving a problem with the slide switcher, and also fixes an issue when automatically resizing some images when changing the size of a slide. Pages received the fix for tables, as well as the ePub export option. Numbers was impacted the least, with only the table fix be

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