26.08.2010 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

No jailbreak for you, 4.0.2

The Dev-Team has announced that there will be no jailbreak for iOS 4.0.2 or 3.2.2. It stands to reason, as the release did absolutely nothing other than patch the security hole that was using as an exploit. It's also not a big surprise, minor updates are regularly skipped over. So, if you're a "jailbreaker" and would like to keep it that way, just don't update to 4.0.2. You won't be missing out on anything. The Dev-Team explains that escalating the "cat and mouse game" doesn't benefit the users, so they're letting this one ride. That's reasonable, too, as I reminisce about radar detectors, laser detectors and the cat and mouse game t

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