26.08.2010 15:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Mac 101: Adding screenshots to Stickies

More Mac 101, our series of tips and tricks for novice Mac users. Here's a great tip from Mac OS X Hints about an old, old Mac utility. Stickies has been around since the System 7 days, and it provides a super-simple way to store quick bits of information. Did you know that, with Snow Leopard, you can also use it to store screenshots? Well, you can, and it's simple to do. With a sticky note open, right-click or control-click on the note to bring up the contextual menu. You'll see "Capture Selection from Screen." Select it to bring up the screen capture tool, drag the cursor around the area you want to snap, and you're done! The scr

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