26.08.2010 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Mitsubishi debuts three full HD 3D televisions... coming to a sweet home theater near you

Mitsubishi Japan has announced three brand new, full HD tvs for your home theater-loving pleasure. Much like the Panasonics recently unleashed, all three boast the ability to record to their hard drives or Blu-ray. Spec-wise, they've got full HD, backlit LCDs, 1TB HDDs, a ten speaker Diatone system, USB and SD slots, and HDMI. The sets, which come in 40, 46, and 55-inches, also come with a pair of 3D glasses. They'll be available in Japan in October for roughly $3,500, $4,700 and $5,900, respectively.

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