24.08.2010 18:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Raytheon's 'pain ray' to be installed in LA County jail, Charlie Sheen contemplating move to Portland

Raytheon's been cranking on its 10,000 pound Silent Guardian for years now, and we always try to keep abreast of its progress. The device, popularly known as a 'pain gun,' is a non-lethal weapon designed to deliver an overwhelming heat to say, members of a mob scene or rioters at a prison, causing an immediate flight response. The Air Force, which helped test the device, has assured the world of its safety, and recently the devices went on sale. So what's next for the Silent Guardian? Installation at the LA County jail in Castaic, where a large scale riot recently broke out, injuring more than 20 people and lasting well over an hour. Now, we're in no position to form an op

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