24.08.2010 14:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW's Daily App: Piczle Lines

Piczle Lines is pretty much the perfect iPhone game. It's a quick, pick-up and play puzzle affair, with a Japanese puzzle style that is easy to learn but gets twistier and tougher as it goes along. It's well-polished, with a cute story mode and extra puzzle packs to play and buy as you go along. And oh yeah, it's free to download and start playing. You should probably be headed over to the App Store by now, but just in case you want to know more, Piczle Lines has you assembling (very low resolution) "photos" by drawing out various colored lines. The start and end of each line are marked by numbers saying how many line segments the lines take up, so your job is to connect the lines in just the right

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