24.08.2010 08:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nokia and Intel build a joint research lab, plan to create the mobile 3D future

Thought Nokia and Intel's partnership was just some fleeting MeeGo fling? Just a carefree hookup in their times of mobile panic? Not quite. The companies are certainly in this thing for the long haul and today's announcement of their new research lab in Oulu, Finland is all the evidence you'll need. The Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center -- as it's been dubbed -- is part of the University of Oulu and will now be home to about two-dozen researchers. What exactly will the white coats be working on? Well, the 3D mobile internet, of course. The focus of the initial work will be on three-dimensional virtual reality platforms as well as on mapping. Sounds pretty neat and futu

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