24.08.2010 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Show returns this Friday, August 27th with Samsung CSO Omar Khan, Rock Band 3, crazy giveaways, and much more!

It's that time again, the Engadget Show is back in a big way this Friday, August 27th at 8pm! First up, Josh is sitting down with Samsung Chief Strategy Officer Omar Khan to chat up the company's recent Android sprint, then Engadget's investigative correspondent Rick Karr is back to scale a skyscraper and check up on an AT&T team tasked with improving New York's data infrastructure. Next up, Josh and Paul welcome fellow editor Joanna Stern back to the roundtable and we've got an exclusive live demo of Rock Band 3, plus a special Harmonix surprise oh, and be ready to rock out to mind numbin

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