23.08.2010 18:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Moleskine case hides your iPhone, prison-style

I really do love the look of moleskine books. When you've got a well-worn leather moleskine book, bursting with notes and bookmarks, you sort of feel like you're holding onto the long lost notes of Dr. Henry Jones Sr. on the whereabouts of the Holy Grail. No? Just me? If you're completely nuts about all things moleskine, there's a new iPhone case that should be right up your alley. As seen pictured, the case looks like a hollowed-out moleskine book that fits your iPhone, complete with traditional elastic band. In essence, the iPhone replaces what would be oh-so-passe paper. Finally, a classy way to hide your cell in your cell during prison guard shakedowns. [via The Daily What]

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