22.08.2010 17:07 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW Review: ColcaSac sleeve for iPad

I've never understood people who keep their iPads bound up in cases. I get that they want to protect their iPads, but I never understood why they choose cases which just add to the bulk of the beautifully thin device. I've always been a sleeve guy myself -- something to keep the iPad scratch-free while transporting, yet which easily allows you to slide it out and hold it in your hands the way Jobs intended. That being said, I've searched for months for a good iPad sleeve. Most of the sleeves out there are very sterile and bland in appearance. Their designs are fit for mass production, but not much else. My search for the perfect iPad sleeve ended when I discovered the ColcaSac iPad sleeve. ColcaSac is a small company in Salt Lake City, Utah that makes five diffe

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