22.08.2010 00:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Exclusive: Motorola MB520 'Kobe' boasts a Droid X-esque UI, AT&T affinity

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gadgets/Exclusive_Motorola_s_mystery_Kobe_makes_spec_filled_splash'; What is Motorola Kobe? The device, also known by its model number MB520, seems to be popping up on a couple of certification websites. UPnP Forum certified it on June 16, 2010 (listed as "Kobe ATT"), and additionally on July 8th the smartphone quietly got a thumbs up from the WiFi Alliance for single band (2.4GHz) 802.11b/g/n. Of course, an IEEE standard does not a phone make, and so we've been in touch with

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