19.08.2010 21:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Podcast, live at 3:45PM EST!

Hey, did something radical happen on the site this week? Maybe some tech news, too? And did you say that we'll have special guest Myriam Joire from Engadget Mobile on the show today as well? Sounds like this is on Engadget Podcast you don't want to miss. We'll be live at 3:45PM EST to hash it out -- but the chat room below is open now, so get comfy. P.S. And don't forget that Ustream has Android and iPhone clients as well, if you out and about and you can't join in on the Flash-based fun below. Continue reading The Engadget Podcast, live at 3:45PM EST!

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