19.08.2010 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Snap-on keyboard for iPhone 4

Last year, Mobile Mechatronics released the iTwinge snap-on keyboard for the iPhone 3G and 3GS. This week, industrial designer Altamash Jiwani has imagined what such a device would look like for the iPhone 4. In Jiwani's design, the keyboard is a part of a larger piece that wraps around the phone much like Apple's Bumper case. The keyboard is on slider rails and can be moved out of the way of the home key. It also plugs into the dock connector, disabling the software keyboard entirely. Finally, a female dock port on the bottom allows the iPhone to be synchronized with the keyboard in place. It's a nifty idea for BlackBerry addicts, but I imagine sliding it back-and-forth every time I want to click the home button wo

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