19.08.2010 15:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

LG talks up Optimus smartphone line: 10 devices by year end, NVIDIA's Tegra for high-end model, tablet will be 'productive'

LG's Ally might be scratching at the boring end of the Android landscape right now, but LG certainly isn't stopping with one smartphone on the market in 2010. LG stated on Wednesday that it's pouring some mega cash on R&D and marketing to play catch up, and it plans to release a whopping 10 smartphones by the end of the year, projecting sales of 5 million units in that time. The low-end Optimus One kicks things off in September with a whopping 120 carriers globally, but LG also said it has a dual-core Tegra based handset in the works for the performance minded. It's unclear if this is a replacement chip for the s

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