19.08.2010 07:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Canon PowerShot S95, the SD4500 IS, and SX130 IS play the low-light, HD video cards

As camera makers shift from touting megapixels to low-light and HD video recording performance, in steps a trio of point-and-shoot cameras from Canon -- the PowerShot S95 (pictured above), the SD4500 IS, and SX130 IS. The S95 update ($399.99 in late August) to last year's S90 combines Canon's DIGIC 4 image processing, a 10-megapixel high-sensitivity CCD sensor, and wide f/2.0 lens to enhance image quality and reduce noise at high ISO levels without resorting to a flash. It features a new high dynamic range (HDR) mode, 720p video recording, and mini HDMI for throwing that video up to the living room flat screen. the S95 is also the first PowerShot to feature Hybrid IS image stabilization to help with macro shots. The SX130 IS

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