19.08.2010 00:24 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony Alpha A55 makes articulating cameo, A33 and some rumored specs tag along

In the market for a Sony shooter or two? The company's upcoming lineup can't seem to stay off the internet, which lucky for you serves as a great source for planning holiday gift plans. First up the Alpha A55, pictured above with an apparent articulating display. According to the DChome forums, there's a 16.7 megapixel APS CMOS sensor, a translucent mirror, 15-point AF, 1080 / 60i video, 10fps continuous shooting, an ISO range of 100 to 25,600, dual memory card slots (we'd guess SD and MemoryStick), and an eventual retail price of $900 to $1,000. Also pictured on the site is the A33

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