18.08.2010 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Snoop iPhone data with limitations

The iPhone Spy Stick can be used to snoop information that is stored on a user's iPhone (even deleted data), within limitations. The ill-intentioned will want to keep reading. The way that it works sounds simple (we haven't played with one yet). Just connect the stick and the target iPhone to a computer and run the included software, which pulls all sorts of data from the phone. You'll find deleted texts, calendar events, photos, and contact information. It'll also find recent map searches, locations tracked via GPS, Web history, and voice memos. Are you scared yet? Don't be. In order to work, the iPhone Spy Stick requires a Windows machine (Windows XP, Vista, or 7 only) and an iPhone that is running iOS 3.2.1 (and earlier). In other words, you can't

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