18.08.2010 16:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Olympus introduces mju-7050, FE-5050 and FE-4050 point-and-shoot cameras

Fancy they aren't, but Olympus' newest digicam trio will definitely get the job done in a pinch. Kicking things off is the mju-7050, a rather conventional looking shooter with a 14 megapixel CCD sensor, 7x optical zoom lens, an HD movie mode, SD card slot, 2GB of internal memory and a 3-inch rear LCD monitor. The slim and seductive FE-4050 offers up a 12 megapixel CCD sensor, 4x optical zoomer and a far less inviting rear, while the FE-5050 (shown above) steps thing up with a 14 megapixel sensor and 5x optical zoom. Curiously enough, the outfit has refrained from dishing any further details beyond that, only saying that they'll be hitting Japanese store shelves later this month. We

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