18.08.2010 11:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

PS3 gets Titanium Blue makeover for Gran Turismo 5 launch bundle; landing in Japan on November 3

Shock of all horrors, Gran Turismo 5 actually, finally has a launch date: November 3. Of course, being more concerned with hardware as we are, we're more stricken by the rich blue hue that will adorn PS3 consoles bundled with the grandiosely delayed racing game over in Japan this fall. The ¥35,980 ($421) Gran Turismo 5 Racing Pack will be composed of a Limited Edition copy of the game plus a repainted PlayStation 3 (the skinny variant) with a 160GB hard drive. Time to give your old importer buddy a call, eh?Gallery: PS3 g

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