18.08.2010 06:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

We finally, really did it: Engadget gets a new commenting system

Some things seem like they might never happen: man traveling at light-speed, AI that is truly sentient, a vertically striped shirt that doesn't make you look fat and a respectable Engadget commenting system. Well folks, today you can cross one of those lofty goals off of the bucket list. Yes, you read that right. Starting today -- right now -- Engadget has a brand-spanking-new comment system powered by the dynamic and insanely flexible Disqus architecture. Even if you don't know the name, you've probably seen Disqus in one form or another -- it's used on CNN, Mashable, All Things Digital, and a slew of other sites you likely frequent. So what's new with Engadget comments? Pretty much everythin

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