18.08.2010 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Vimeo now on iPad, iPhone

Popular video site Vimeo (think a more artsy YouTube) has changed its code to be completely HTML5 compatible, which means you can now browse the site completely on the iPhone or the iPad. I just pulled the site up on my iPhone, and I have to say, I think it's a smoother browsing experience than the browser itself -- you just get a list of videos, and clicking on whichever one you want (like, for example, the great Dennis Liu music video above) opens it right up in Quicktime. Good deal. Vimeo's been flirting with HTML5 for the better part of this year, but this switchover means everything (including embeds when seen from an iPhone or iPad) is in HTML5 from the start -- bye bye Flash. The n

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