16.08.2010 23:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

VMware Fusion gets an update with some important Mac fixes

VMware has pushed out an update for their virtual machine software for Intel-based Macs. Version 3.1.1 includes: Improvements to iSight Camera access Fixes an issue where an incorrect disk error message pops up after A Mac hard crash while working in VMware Fixes audio recording issues when the device output was not 44.1 kHz The update is free for all VMware Fusion 3 users, and the update notice should appear when you launch the app. This is the 4th update to version 3 since it was launched in October of last year. VMWare Fusion 3.1 is available for US$79.99 as a download, and you can add a subscripti

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