16.08.2010 19:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Motorola Droid Pro, Droid 2 World Edition, and MZ600 'tablet' leak for Verizon

Hey guess what, Verizon loves Android and Motorola, and the hit-making trio seem to be up to their old tricks with a bevy of new phones spotted by a Boy Genius Report tipster in Verizon Wireless' systems. The serial numbers and hints of product names help flesh out and clarify a rumor Boy Genius was peddling a week ago, with the super specced Droid Pro and what looks to be a secondary version of the Droid 2 "World Edition" apparently slated for those international-friendly GSM+CDMA chipsets (like Verizon's Storm before them), while a third MZ600 "tablet" device is also in the

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