16.08.2010 11:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

LG's 3D office projectors are ready to entertain the staff

If we can distract your sympathies from that rather unfortunately bespectacled product waif for a second, we'd like to tell you about LG's latest 3D projectors for the office. The LG BX327 pumps 3,200 lumens for 1,300,000KRW (about $900) while the BX327 scales things back to 2,700 lumens for 1,000,000KRW (about $700). Otherwise, both feature a 2,300:1 contrast, stereo speakers, and a USB jack for sourcing documents, videos, and photos directly off of a USB stick. Unfortunately, LG's not offering much detail here. But you can still imagine the fun you'll have dressing up your luddite executive team in those massive 3D glasses. Oh y

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