14.08.2010 03:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Photoshop Express for iPad is the spawn of the devil- avoid for now

It seemed like such a great idea. Adobe was releasing a free photo editing tool for the iPhone and the iPad. Well, Photoshop Express is out, and it's a big, honking dog. It has just about the worst ratings I've ever seen on an app from a big time developer, and those ratings are well deserved. On my iPad it launches, crashes, and then picks another app on my iPad to run. In my case it launches Photogene, another photo editing program. Huh? For those lucky anough to get Photoshop Express running it crashes over and over. And over. Did anybody at Adobe test this thing? I'm sure it will be replaced by a working app at some time, but don't grab this thing unless you are really a m

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