13.08.2010 23:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nikon D3100 SLR, Coolpix S1100pj and S5100 compacts leaked in German magazine

We've definitely seen new Nikon gear leak in the foreign press before, and it looks like the cycle continues: that rumored Nikon D3100 SLR just made an appearance in the pages of Germany's Foto Digital magazine, along with an updated Coolpx S1100pj projector-cam and a new Coolpix S5100. The D3100 is obviously the main attraction -- it has a 14 megapixel sensor with up to ISO 12800 sensitivity, a new 1080p video mode, and an improved processor and autofocus system, for a body-only price of €650 ($831). Not bad -- although we don't know if it has that rumored continu

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