13.08.2010 01:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Android sales worldwide pass iPhone totals for Q2 2010

Gartner is reporting that worldwide sales of mobile phones running Android OS have surpassed iPhone sales for the second quarter of 2010. 10.6 million phones running the Android OS shipped during the last quarter, representing a 17.2% 2010 market share, compared to 8.74 million iOS phones, representing a 14.2% 2010 market share. The two top dogs are still Symbian, with 41.2% of the market and RIM with 18.2% of the market. Google's cheerleaders may cry foul, but to be fair to Apple, during the quarter they shipped exactly 3 phone models with iOS on them while carriers shipped over 20 different models of Android phones. We could also mention

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