12.08.2010 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Celebrate the launch of Cannon Cadets with XMG Studio and TUAW

When you're tired of flinging birds at pigs, here's a new way to have fun -- an addictive game called Cannon Cadets (US$1.99) from XMG Studio. I was fortunate enough to get a preview of Cannon Cadets a few weeks ago, and quickly jumped into the fun. The back story of Cannon Cadets is that there's a very unhappy monkey by the name of Gordo who seeks to remove fun from the universe with his army of evil robots. Your mission is to use your cannon to launch your characters -- RocketBoy, RocketGirl, Pop, Granati and Beats -- at the robots, structures, and flying targets to try to knock out the robot army and finish a level. There are 80 levels on four different planets (not including hidden levels) to w

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