11.08.2010 21:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung's 3D gala: 65-inch UN65C8000, 50-inch PN50C490, and BD-C8000 eyes-on

Earlier today, Samsung pulled the curtain off (quite literally, might we add) its newest 3DTVs and the world's first portable 3D Blu-ray player at its New York City press conference. We were able to slap on a pair of the 3D specs and spend a bit of time staring at the (admittedly amazing) 65-inch LED 3DTV, the fairly mediocre sub-$1,000 720p 3DTV as well as form some early impressions of the Blu-ray player. We've got you covered with some pictures below, but mosey on past the break to check our two pennies on each of the new products. Gallery:

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