11.08.2010 16:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple patents "Exciter" technology for devices, including a "cyclocomputer"

Patently Apple has news of a new patent filed by Apple for a technology that it calls the Exciter. At present, wirelessly trading information between iPhones can be a bit of a hassle, since both phones have to find each other and then sync up. But the "Exciter" technology would simply keep an eye out for another phone that's willing to share information, and then when a certain signal is detected (it could be light-based, sound-based, or any other type of emitted information), the two devices would share information (contacts, calendar information, photos, or text) as necessary. It's an interesting idea, but the application is even more interesting. Along with the usual suspects for possible Apple devices that

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