11.08.2010 14:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Razer serves up shockingly green Orca headphones, envy comes free

At first glance, you may think you're eying Razer's Carcharias above. And in many ways, the new Orca ($59.99 / €59.99) is exactly like its perceived predecessor, thought two prominent differences set 'em apart. For one, there's no microphone arm on the Orca, so those who like to chat it up while deathmatching should look elsewhere. Secondly, the Orca is green. Really green. It's also designed for on-the-go use, with a shorter, standard braided cable accompanied by a two-meter extension cord. Internally, you'll find 40mm drivers with neodymium magnets, a 15 - 21,000Hz claim

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