07.08.2010 02:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Five freaking awesome FaceTime hacks -- and a few handy tips

We've all been using FaceTime like crazy here at TUAW central -- it's really great to be able to conference with friends in real time without having to arrange things in advance. Nearly all of us have been video-conferencing-ready for years. But with the iPhone 4, there's no more "Do you have iChat set up?" (or Skype) or "Can I call you now?" time-wasting prologues. tweetmeme_url='http://www.tuaw.com/2010/08/06/five-freaking-awesome-facetime-hacks-and-a-few-handy-tips/';tweetmeme_source='tuaw'; Instead, we can just call. Knowing that your friends have iP

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