06.08.2010 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW review and giveaway: MoviePeg for iPad

Last April, I reviewed the original MoviePeg for the iPhone 3GS. It was a super little stand that I used every day. Today, I'm happy to have spent a week with the MoviePeg stand for iPad, and I'm even happier to give my test stand away to a lucky TUAW reader.* Design The MoviePeg is a no-frills, deceptively useful stand for the iPhone 3G, 3GS, and now the iPad. The iPad version actually contains two perfectly shaped chunks of rubber (OK, thermoplastic elastomer) that fit over the iPad's bezel and provide ample support for its backside. They're firm but not rigid, and they come in two colors: Pitch Black and the limited edition Clockwork Orange. What's clever is the little slot that

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