05.08.2010 22:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Eurocom debuts Optimus-equipped B5100M FOX, B7110 FOX gaming laptops

Last we heard from Eurocom, it was touting its massive, workstation-class X8100 Leopard "laptop," and its now back with a pair of models that are considerably more consumer-friendly -- and gamer-friendly, specifically. Those include the 15.6-inch B5100M FOX and 17.3-inch B7110 FOX, which each pack NVIDIA's Optimus graphics-switching technology (complete with a GeForce GT330M GPU), and a range of other fully customizable options that cover the mid to high-end -- your choice of Core i3, i5 or i7 processors, up to 16GB of DDR3 RAM, and

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