05.08.2010 13:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Razer Lachesis gets new 5600dpi sensor, customizable LEDs, new lease on life

Nearly three years to the day after its original introduction, Razer's Lachesis (also known as a sniper's best friend) is seeing its first major upgrade. The most significant of which is the 3.5G Precision sensor, which bumps the dpi from 4,000 (previously) to 5,600 (now). For the eye-candy lovers, there's also a functionally worthless customizable multi-color LED lighting system, but it's bound to extract a few oohs and aahs at your next LAN party. Other than the new threads and the enhanced eye, the critter is remaining the same as it ever was, but mama always said not to worry over reinventing the (scroll) wheel. Check it later this month for $79.99, and feel f

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