04.08.2010 17:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Samsung's 12.2MP PL90 point and shoot packs inbuilt USB port, 4x optical zoom

Convergence. The buzzword of the past decade is still working its magic across the consumer electronics industry, this time unleashing hot fury on Samsung's freshest point and shoot. The simplistic PL90 touts a 12.2 megapixel sensor, 4x optical zoom, a 2.7-inch LCD around back and a VGA (640 x 480) movie mode with 30fps and 15fps options. The real kicker here is the integrated USB plug, which eliminates the need to tote around a USB cable, a (presumed) SD card reader or a machine with an inbuilt memory card slot. Newcomers to the digital world will likely appreciate the heavy amount of automated features meant to make the best of your terrible photo shoot selections, but consideri

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