03.08.2010 20:50 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Bing Maps' Taxi Fare Calculator keeps your lollygagging cab driver in check

We've all been there -- you step into a cab in a foreign place, ask your driver to head to your destination, and then he / she asks you if you'd rather take the highway or go direct. Or, worse still, senses your innocence and proceeds to head the wrong direction for two or three miles. In an effort to give desperate travelers a better sense of how much it'll cost to get from point A to point B D in a cab, Bing Maps' new Taxi Fare Calculator was created. Turns out, this add-in for the mapping service was built by someone hankering to win the King of Bing Maps competition, and while it's only capable of calculating routes around a few dozens cities right

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