03.08.2010 20:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Telus launching North America's first 42Mbps dual carrier HSPA+ network

Australia's Telstra already claimed the title of World's First on this one, but Telus up in Canada isn't far behind, becoming the first carrier in North America to push HSPA+ up to 42Mbps through the magic of dual carrier technology. The concept, of course, is nothing new -- remember those "Shotgun" two-line 56k landline modems back in the day? Dual carrier isn't much different, employing two HSPA+ connection simultaneous to get an effective max theoretical throughput of 42Mbps. Telus has already wrapped up lab trials, but it expects to offer the blazing speeds to customers some time in the first quarter of 2011 with the

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