02.08.2010 18:35 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Motorola says original Droid 'doesn't have the hardware' to support a mobile hotspot

This is the week that the original Droid will be getting the Android 2.2 update, but it looks like that update won't be bringing two of the most oft-requested features: tethering and a mobile hotspot. Why's that? While tethering seems to be simply due to a lack of an app that "isn't part of this update," the mobile hotspot issue is a bit more curious -- Motorola spokesperson Brenda Raney says that the Droid "doesn't have [the] hardware to support a mobile hotspot." No further explanation than that, but we have a sneaking suspicion that Motorola isn't passing over the feature because of a lack of hardware, but

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