02.08.2010 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

iPhone devteam releases browser-based 4.x jailbreak

Filed under: iPhoneHave you been waiting for an easy-to-use jailbreak for your iOS 4.x device? Well, you may have to wait a little longer. Last we checked, the just-announced browser-based jailbreak (a return of jailbreakme.com) was so swamped that the server stopped responding. Jailbreak expert Comex tweets that he is working to restore the site from heavy loads. Once that happens, you should be able to jailbreak your iDevice by browsing to jailbreakme.com in your mobile Safari application. There you'll be presented with a simple slide-to-jailbreak screen. So far, TUAW has been unable to rea

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