29.07.2010 22:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

App demo: BistroMath

Filed under: iPhone, iPadif(typeof AOLVP_cfg==='undefined')AOLVP_cfg=[];AOLVP_cfg.push({id:'AOLVP_us_115551290001','codever':0.1,'autoload':false,'autoplay':true,'playerid':'61371447001','videoid':'115551290001','publisherid':1612833736,'playertype':'pageload','width':480,'height':270,'videotitle':'TUAW','bgcolor':''}); It's a tip calculator, check-splitter all-in-one app and yes, there are a bunch of 'em on the store. Check out the demo to see if BistroMath combines the power you need with ease of use you're comfortable with. Ultimately, that's the different

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