29.07.2010 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

A look inside the Magic Trackpad

Filed under: HardwareIt's so thin and barely there. What could be inside Apple's Magic Trackpad? The folks at iFixit took theirs apart, photographing and describing each component in great detail. Here's what they found. Inside there is, well, not a whole heck of a lot. A large spacer prevents the user from pressing down hard enough to damage the small logic board. That board is connected to the trackpad itself via two "ridiculously thin" ribbon cables, which are glued into place. They used a hot air gun to soften the adhesive. So, tread very lightly if you plan to remove these. Speaking of the board, the gang found that it holds a Broadcom BCM2042 for Bluetooth connectivity and a B

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