29.07.2010 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Anybots QB telepresence robot: nag employees remotely for $15,000

Anybots has a new telepresence robot, the QB -- and while it certainly seems to be an advance on the QA, which we saw at CES 2009, we gotta admit that it's not nearly as cute as its predecessor. Marketed towards CEO-types, this bad boy can be controlled via your PC (or eventually your Mac), and it features WiFi b/g connectivity, 5 megapixel camera, speaker, microphone, and a max speed of 3.5 MPH. To be honest, having your boss follow you around the office with a webcam-on-wheels sounds more like a NewsRadio plot than effective office management, but certainly there's someone rich and crazy enough to drop $15,000 on

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