29.07.2010 16:06 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

The worst app name. Ever.

Filed under: HumorSometimes app developers will send me PR releases hoping I review their apps (thus increasing their sales). If I think it's a good app, or that my readers would like it, I do. Many times I don't, however. But I couldn't resist sharing this app with the rest of the world. Why? Not because it's a good app (I haven't even tried it), but because it is the worst-named app in the history of apps: Touch Teen Patti. When I first read the name images of an app that featured photos the young and innocent teen Patti popped into my head. I imagined the Pedobear's on the Chan sites going crazy over this app as they used their fingers to pinch and squeeze young teen Patti

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